Financial advisors today have lots of marketing options to choose from. These range from social media and content marketing to blogging, e-newsletters and digital advertising.

One successful but often overlooked strategy for financial advisor marketing is video marketing. Video is highly effective across many different industries today. For example, users are two times more likely to share video content with their friends than other types of content and 84% have been convinced to buy a product or service after watching a brand’s video.

In addition, 95% of users watch explainer videos to learn more about products and services. Users spend 88% more time on websites that have videos and including video on a website has the capacity to drive 157% more organic search engine traffic.

Benefits of Video Marketing

By using video in your financial advisor marketing, you can make client and prospect connections using a dynamic medium that highlights your expertise while establishing a robust presence in the digital landscape. Video marketing helps you build trust with audiences by educating them about important aspects of financial planning and wealth management.

The financial advisory industry has traditionally relied heavily on face-to-face, in-person meetings and referrals to generate new business. But with the widespread popularity of digital communication, video is breaking through as an accepted medium for sharing marketing messages with clients and prospects. This is especially true since the pandemic, when meeting virtually via Zoom or other video platforms became commonplace.

Your firm could realize a number of benefits by implementing a video marketing strategy, including the following:

    • Boost your search engine optimization (SEO) marketing — Website visitors tend to remain on websites longer when they’re watching video than when they’re reading content. This can boost search engine rankings and move your firm’s website higher up in keyword search results, thus boosting your site’s visibility. Also, search engines sometimes show video clips at the top of search results, which could boost your visibility even more.
    • Improve mobile visibility — Mobile devices account for a growing percentage of website traffic so it’s important to design your site with mobile visitors in mind. Posting videos on your site can increase user interaction and engagement among mobile users and boost conversions. Tip: Keep videos relatively short since most mobile users have a shorter attention span.
    • Broaden your social media reach — Social media algorithms today tend to promote video content over text. Therefore, videos have a greater chance of achieving high visibility and “likes” as well as being shared by others. All of this can broaden your firm’s reach and expand your audience on popular social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok without having to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on ads. Click here to see an example of the effective social media short videos we’ve helped one of our advisors produce!
    • Position you and your firm as experts in the field — Informative and well-produced videos can go a long way toward demonstrating your expertise in a wide range of areas such as wealth management, financial planning, insurance and investing. These include explainer videos, client testimonials and case studies, market updates and commentary, how-to guides, and virtual seminars and webinars.
    • Tell your story and build your brand – Your prospective clients need to understand not just what you do, but who you are. A high-quality, story-style video that shares insight into who you are as an advisor and person, what your mission is and how you serve your clients can go a long way toward building trust, establishing a brand and ultimately gaining new clients. Here’s an example of the kind of video that Tarkenton Financial produces for our advisors.

Video Marketing Tips

Here are three tips for using video marketing to promote your financial advisory firm:

  1. Make the investment in high-quality videos. Users today have high expectations for video quality so you must be willing to invest the resources needed to produce quality content. This includes good lighting and audio and avoiding common mistakes like distracting backgrounds. The good news is the quality of smartphone cameras is good enough that you can produce high-quality video content in your office with just your iPhone or Android and a few inexpensive accessories like external microphones, portable lighting and tripod stands.
  2. Follow video marketing best practices. Generally speaking, marketing videos should be relatively short — usually no more than 60 to 90 seconds. They should get right to the point without a long-winded introduction and share easily digestible information that focuses on no more than two or three key points. You can use text to elaborate further, if necessary. Also, position videos above the fold on your homepage and other relevant pages so visitors see them easily without having to scroll down.
  3. Write compelling content to accompany videos. This includes strong headlines and lead-in content to capture viewers’ attention within the first three seconds, descriptive captions and captivating thumbnails to draw readers into your videos. And don’t forget to write title tags and search tags describing your videos for SEO purposes. It is essential that your social media videos include subtitles/captions since most viewers will initially start watching the video without the sound turned on.

How We Can Help

Now is a crucial time to start using videos to promote and market your financial advisory firm. If you are unsure of where to start, we can help. From sending our professional videography team for an in-person shoot in your office and hometown to teaching you the essentials of short-form video marketing in our Social Media Bootcamp, Tarkenton Financial can help you produce high-quality, professional videos that will take your financial advisor marketing to the next level.

Give me a call at 404-364-2598 or shoot me an email if you have any questions or would like to learn more about our video production services.

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